Goldie Hawn (Cactus Flower) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Goldie Hawn (Cactus Flower) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Sir David Lean (Ryan's Daughter) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Jane Fonda (They Shoot Horses Don't They) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Jane Fonda (They Shoot Horses Don't They) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Jane Fonda (They Shoot Horses Don't They) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Susannah York, Bruce Dern (They Shoot Horses Don't They) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Jane Fonda (They Shoot Horses Don't They) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Oliver Reed (The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Martin Sheen (Catch 22) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Candice Bergen, Peter Bogdanovich, Orson Wells (Catch 22) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Jane Fonda (Klute) by Bob Willoughby / 1970

Jane Fonda (Klute) by Bob Willoughby / 1970

Donald Sutherland (Klute) by Bob Willoughby / 1970

David Lean (Ryan's Daughter) by Bob Willoughby / 1970

John Wayne (The Cowboys) by Bob Willoughby / 1971

John Wayne on the set of THE COWBOYS by Bob Willoughby / 1971

Steve McQueen (Junior Bonner) by Bob Willoughby / 1971

Liv Ullman (Big Sur For Zandy's Bride) by Bob Willoughby / 1973

Gene Hackman (Big Sur For Zandy's Bride) by Bob Willoughby / 1973

Marilyn Monroe,Yves Montand, Arthur Miller (Let's Make Love) by Bob Willoughby / 1960

Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Dean Martin (Las Vegas) by Bob Willoughby / 1960

Jack Lemmon, Richard Quine, Kim Novak (Notorious Landlady) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Blake Edwards, Jack lemmon, Peter Falk (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Alfred Hitchcock on the Universal Studios set of MARNIE by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Mike Nichols, Elizabeth Taylor (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Elizabeth Taylor, Marlene Dietrich (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Mike Nichols, Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Richard Burton, his daughter Kate (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Bob Willoughby, Richard Burton teaches his daughter Kate to fish on location in Northampton, Massachusetts, 1965

Alfred Hitchcock (Marnie) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Anne Bancrof, Dustin Hoffman (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Anne Bancroft (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Anne Bancroft (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Anne Bancroft (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Anthony Harvey, Katharine Hepburn (The Lion in Winter) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Anthony Hopkins (The Lion in Winter) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Audrey Hepburn (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Audrey Hepburn (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Audrey Hepburn (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Audrey Hepburn (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Audrey Hepburn (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Audrey Hepburn (The Children's Hour) by Bob Willoughby / 1960

Audrey Hepburn (The Childrens Hour) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Audrey Hepburn by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Audrey Hepburn, George Cukor (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Audrey Hepburn, James Garner (The Childrens Hour) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Audrey Hepburn, James Garner (The Children’s Hour) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Barbra Streisand by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Barbra Streisand, Beverly Hills Hotel by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Barbra Streisand, Elliott Gould by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Bill Holden, Audrey (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Billy Wilder by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Blake Edwards (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Blake Edwards, Pie Throw (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Cher by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Clint Eastwood (Hang 'Em High) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Dirk Bogarde (I Could Go on Singing) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Dustin Hoffman (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Dustin Hoffman (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Elaine May on set of LUV by Bob Willoughby / 1966

Elizabeth Taylor (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Frank Sinatra (Las Vegas) by Bob Willoughby / 1960

Frank Sinatra (Marriage on the Rocks) Bob Willoughby / 1965

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin (Ocean's 11) Bob Willoughby / 1960

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin (The Judy Garland TV Special) Bob Willoughby / 1962

George C. Scott (Petulia) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

George C. Scott (Petulia) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

George Cukor, Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Jack Lemmon (Luv) by Bob Willoughby / 1966

Jack Lemmon (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon with his mother (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon with his mother (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon, Felicia Farr (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon, Peter Falk (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Jason Robards (Tender Is The Night) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Judy Garland (I Could Go on Singing) Bob Willoughby / 1962

Julie Christie (Petulia) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Julie Christie (Petulia) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Katharine Hepburn (The Lion in Winter) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Katharine Ross by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Katharine Ross, Dustin Hoffman (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Katharine Ross, Dustin Hoffman (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Katherine Ross (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Kim Novak (Notorious Landlady) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon (Notorious Landlady) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon (Notorious Landlady) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon (Notorious Landlady) by Bob Willoughby / 1961

Marilyn Monroe (Let's Make Love) by Bob Willoughby / 1960

Mia Farrow (Rosemary's Baby) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Mia Farrow (Rosemarys Baby) by Bob Willoughby / 1968

Mia Farrow, Roman Polanski (Rosemarys Baby) by Bob Willoughby / 1968

Michael Caine (Gambit) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Mike Nichols (The Graduate) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Mike Nichols (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Mike Nichols (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Natalie Wood (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Peter OToole (The Lion in Winter) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Peter OToole by Bob Willoughby / 1962

Peter OToole by Bob Willoughby / 1962

Rat Pack by Bob Willoughby / 1960

Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady) by Bob Willoughby / 1963

Richard Burton by Bob Willoughby / 1965

Richard Lester (Petulia) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Roman Polanski (Petulia) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Roman Polanski, Mia Farrow (Rosemary's Baby) by Bob Willoughby / 1967

Sean Connery (Hitchcock's Marnie) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Sean Connery (Marine) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

Susannah York (A Man For All Seasons) by Bob Willoughby / 1966

Sydney Pollack (They Shoot Horses Don't They?) by Bob Willoughby / 1969

Tony Curtis (The Great Race) by Bob Willoughby / 1964

William Holden (Paris When It Sizzles) by Bob Willoughby / 1962

William Holden, Audrey Hepburn (Paris When It Sizzles) Bob Willoughby / 1962
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